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Smudge Bundles 

For centuries, Native Americans have shared stories and songs of their culture seated around campfires. In acknowledgement of our ancestors and tribal members, we’ve packaged a sliver of this experience and the culture for you to partake in within your homes.


Smudging sage is a traditional Native American practice used to cleanse one’s self or space of negative energies. Sage bundles should only be handled by the person that intends to use it as a handler’s energy is said to be deposited on the bundle and into the handler’s space. All bundles should be sourced directly from Native suppliers.


See below the different smudge bundles, you can get one for yourself or a friend and help to preserve this tradition. All proceeds go towards NGOs and nonprofits that help to educate and promote Native American culture. 


All these bundles were sourced from The Wandering Bull, LLC. 

How to SMudge

What you need:


- Smudge Stick

- Fireproof Bowl Container

- Feather 

- Candle/Matches

- A Bowl of Sand or Earth


Open a few windows and doors to help any smoke and negative energy leave easily. Light your smudge stick over your flameproof bowl until a small flame has caught. While holding your sage over the bowl lightly blow on the flame until it goes out. The sage will then smoke gently like incense. Remember that it’s the smoke that does the work and so the stick does not have to remain lit.   

Walk around your home clockwise, carefully. Using your hands or a feather to waft the smoke into all areas of your space. Include all small spaces that collect negative energy like corners, windows and behind doors. It’s also good to open cupboards and wardrobes because they can also hold stagnant energy.

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